3D laser scanning is a type of 3D survey technology that allows to obtain accurate 3D information about the object and the surrounding environment in a very short time.
A laser scanner is a device that determines the location of the measured points at the time of the survey. Such a device can measure up to one million points per second. This makes it possible to obtain accurate, high-resolution 3D point cloud processing of which provides a 3D digital model, drawings of the object and the surrounding environment.
There is laser scanning from the air, from a fixed position (stand) and mobile laser scanning (from a vehicle driving on the ground or water).
We use the Leica RTC360 Laser Scanner to perform a 3D survey.
The BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology area is currently developing rapidly in design and construction. Laser scanning is the most efficient technology in this area.
3D modelling and point cloud processing use different modelling software – Leica Cyclone, 3D Reshaper, Revit, Civil 3D, etc.
The resulting 3D point cloud will help to solve problems on a computer without being in place of the problem and get a 3D model of the object and the surrounding environment by processing it. It is used in different sectors:
The full package of land surveying services from the commencement of construction to commissioning
Surveying and geodesy
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Latvijasmernieks.lv | Surveying and geodesy